Back on track to a therapist life

Hey there! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Two whole weeks have flown by since I returned from Renmark, and I haven’t had a chance to update my blog. I hope you’ve all been having a fantastic time and staying on top of everything life throws your way!

So, I’ve actually been keeping myself pretty busy lately. Throughout the past year, I’ve been exploring something that’s always intrigued me. It’s been a wonderful journey filled with new lessons and experiences that I’ve absolutely loved. I took part in a few IT bootcamps, and I must say, I’m truly amazed by how much IT impacts the corporate world.

That being said, it did get a bit overwhelming at times. I lost sleep for a week just waiting for the outcome of an interview! But, you know what? I came to the realisation that this path might not be the right fit for me. I don’t want to find myself in a situation where I’m using my skills just to benefit someone else’s business. Plus, deep down, I think my passions lie elsewhere.

Life is too short to sit anywhere other than where you are supposed to be. If you’re sitting at a table where you don’t feel like you’re being fed, even if you’re bringing a plate of food. You politely just leave.

– Jessie J –

Back at a massage table again!

Guess what? I’ve returned to the world of remedial massage therapy, and I couldn’t be happier! I thought I had left it behind for good, but perhaps I just hadn’t found the right place yet. While I was feeling a bit down about not breaking into the IT field, I stumbled upon an advertisement for a remedial massage therapist position at endota spa. The role seemed interesting, with lots of opportunities to learn and explore various treatments.

To my delight, I received a call from the spa manager inviting me for an interview. I still remember feeling a mix of nerves and excitement as Greg dropped me off that Saturday morning. As soon as I stepped into the endota spa on King William Road, a sense of calm washed over me.

The conversation with the manager flowed smoothly, and I felt quite comfortable and confident in my abilities. To my surprise, she asked me to perform a treatment on her. I wasn’t prepared, but I gave it my best shot. And I was offered the job right after!

That moment saved me from the frustration of trying to land an entry-level IT job. I suppose I had underestimated my skills in this field and was too eager to chase a new adventure. Even though working at the spa might not pay as much as an IT job, I feel valued and respected.

To top it all off, I also scored a contract gig at an inclusive space, co-able in Port Adelaide, where I work as a remedial massage therapist once a week. I’m over the moon knowing that my skills are needed and appreciated. Is that a little desperate? Maybe, but who doesn’t want to feel like they belong and make a difference somewhere?

My journey to becoming a Remedial Massage Therapist

Becoming a remedial therapist wasn’t my original plan when I moved to Adelaide. In fact, I applied for just about any job I could find at the time.

As luck would have it, I landed a position at a Thai massage place in Adelaide. My boss saw potential in me and offered to help with the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process for a Diploma in Remedial Massage. This allowed me to transfer the knowledge and skills I gained from my Physiotherapy degree in Thailand. The process took a little longer than expected, as COVID-19 seemed to slow everything down.

There are several colleges that offer RPL, but the costs and assignments can differ. Some might ask you to attend online classes, submit practice videos, complete placement hours, or provide other relevant documentation.

I decided to pursue this path because my former boss needed more remedial therapists at their business, and I realised it could be a great opportunity for me. Besides, it would mean higher pay compared to being just a massage therapist. In hindsight, I can confidently say it was a good decision!

The work environment: finding the right balance

You know what they say – you can choose where you want to work, but you can’t choose your co-workers. Or sometimes, you might find yourself in a great company with a fantastic team, but the management is disorganised, and people just don’t stick around for long.

I remember my very first job years ago, I was fortunate to work for an organisation with good management. My managers were supportive and really looked out for me. However, I noticed they could be tough on some of my colleagues. I let myself get too caught up in sympathising with them, to the point where I began disliking my managers, even though they had never wronged me. Ultimately, I quit that job and found myself navigating the uncertain world of unemployment for a while.

From that experience, I learned that striking the right balance is crucial in your work life. Sure, you’ll spend a significant portion of your life at the workplace, but it’s important to stay aware of your surroundings. Sometimes, you’ll work for a great company but with less-than-friendly co-workers, and other times, you’ll have amazing colleagues but a less-than-ideal organisation.

If you’re lucky enough to find both a great workplace and a fantastic team, cherish it! But if not, be prepared to manage your emotions. If a work environment becomes toxic and starts to affect your mental health, take a step back and consider whether it’s worth staying.

Growing in the Remedial Massage Therapy career

At first, I was hesitant about pursuing a career in remedial massage therapy. After completing my RPL and obtaining my provider number, I thought I had reached the peak of my potential in this field. I didn’t think there was room for growth or further development.

However, I soon realised that I couldn’t have been more wrong! This profession actually presents a wealth of opportunities. As a remedial massage therapist, I can work in various settings, such as physiotherapy or chiropractic clinics, aged care facilities, spas, sports teams, take on contracts at different locations, and even start my own business. 

What truly opened my eyes to the possibilities was my experience at endota. Their learning platform showed me that I could expand my skills and offer a wide range of treatments, not just limited to remedial massage. So, there’s always room for growth and learning in this rewarding career!

What’s next?

Lately, I’ve been in such a happy and contented state of mind, working at both endota and co-able. It’s truly amazing when you’re excited to go to work every day – setting up my treatment room, getting to know the spa better, interacting with kind and friendly co-workers, and meeting wonderful clients who appreciate my treatments. I feel so grateful for these experiences.

My plan moving forward is to learn as much as possible from my trainer while continuing to provide top-notch treatments to my clients. I won’t take their compliments for granted. Instead, I’ll strive to improve and tailor my treatments to suit each individual’s needs. I want to help people keep moving forward in their lives, and I believe this is one of the best ways I can contribute.

And now, with my schedule nicely sorted out, I will be back on track blogging regularly like before 🙂

1 thought on “Back on track to a therapist life”

  1. Wow….just read this Mos. It’s wonderfully written and extremely engaging…. Im sure that’s true for anyone , not just me 🥰😊

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