
Back on track to a therapist life
Hey there! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Two whole weeks have flown by since I returned from Renmark, and I haven’t had a chance to update my blog. I hope you’ve all been having...
Culture Shock in Australia
Do you ever wonder about culture shock? Is it really a thing? That’s what I thought until I experienced a jaw-dropping moment, overhearing a conversation between people throwing...
How to get married in Australia
I have never thought in my life that I would marry someone. In my country, we still do not recognise same-sex marriage, which has never brought me into any aspects of marriage.  I came to Australia...
G'day! from Australia
Officially welcome to my blog, it’s time to know each other a bit more before we connected and share our journey together. Hey again! It’s Moschan, or people here call me Mossy (very Austrayaa),...
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